Source: blogs.indiewire.com
GORDON-LEVITT: I’m beyond excited about Looper as well. We just finished shooting it a few weeks ago. I truly think it’s very special. I’ve never done a job like that movie before. It’s something really unique in my life and work. It’s written and directed by Rian Johnson who made Brick and The Brothers Bloom. I got to play opposite Bruce Willis who’s someone I’ve always admired whether it’s Die Hard or Pulp Fiction. Emily Blunt is also really awesome in it. Yeah, man, it’s going to be a really good movie. You have good reason to be excited".
0:30 – Explains why doesn’t like to discuss his personal take on the ending to Inception
1:20 – Talks about preparing for his role in Hesher
2:25 – Discusses the rehearsal process for the film
3:00 – Talks about how excited he is for Rian Johnson’s Looper
3:55 – Will he be back as Cobra Commander in G.I. Joe 2?
4:05 – Provides an interesting comparison/contrast between Christopher Nolan and Hesher writer/director Spencer Susser
Source: collider.com