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Who is that Masked and Totally Manned Up Dreamboat ?

Yes it's Lucas Till , all suited up in muscle hugging  Lycra and a cape to boot . Lucas stars as Cutthroat in  'VS' , the story of how  'Four Super Heroes find themselves abducted by their Arch Nemesis and are forced to compete in a series of gladiator challenges in order to save an abandoned town full of kidnapped innocent civilians'. From the trailer I would say this looks pretty dark , different and very original , kind of  like a DC Vertigo comic come to life .

'Avengers Assemble !'

I hadn't really realised how much Lucas is into the world of Superheros , until I caught his interview live on a streamed red carpet event for the premiere of X Men First Class - ' Magnetos Choice'  . Lucas was full of enthusiasm for his character Havok and loved the X men cartoons .

Holy Plasma Beams ! 
Is Lucas Magnetos Choice ?

Locked Down Lucas !

Meanwhile ....