Slicked back , under control and looking fine !
Stamp with a Vamp!
Yes only the other day Taylor's giant quiff was flattened by his motorcycle helmet as he learnt how to handle his bike for New Moon being filmed at this very moment on a highly secretive set . Well actually is not that secret at all as stacks of pictures have flooded out of the stars on their coffee break . The big question is did even the great Montgomery Clifts hair go through what Taylor's locks are going through at the moment in the name of art ?. Taylors hair handlers specially trained at the hands of top stylist Michael diCesare , apparently visibly struggled to bring his quiff under control , '' Taylors quiff is as firm and defined as his abs , we have never styled hair like it , It broke our hearts to put the wig on '' said stylist Carla diCeasre. Following filming , in post production Taylor will then wear a skin tight Lycra suit to enable the digital effects team to motion capture the idols of millions and morph him into a werewolf
Taylor stays in character even during breaks in filming .