Taylor - caused shares in Burberry to Plummet
Yes Taylor 'The idol of the Imax' stunned the fashion world this week when he emerged looking so dapper in Calvin Klein that Burberry share sales plummeted momentarily and Calvin Klein's rocketed .This surge caused the esteemed Wall Street Journal to speculate that the sight Taylor in nothing but his Calvin's could bring us out of the current economic world down turn .But enough speculation and make believe from the Wall Street Journal . Lets get down to the bare facts , could the fact that Taylor was wearing Calvin Klein as
The L.A. Times pointed out 'implies a relationship with a designer ' then put two and two together and before you can say 'Funky Bunch' you have Taylor in his Calvin's !
Was The suit yet another subtle homage to Monty Clift ?
Mind you Taylor has been known to flash the legendary Calvin Waistband when he was 'Dirt Bike Tay' in training for New Moon .
Access Hollywood ever well researched asked in a whisper ( which was helpfully subtitled ) Do We see your abs in New Moon ? A dazzling smile later ''Yes'' came the answer . Confidence growing or maybe she just wanted to be blinded by the smile our showbiz reporter asked 'Do fans stand a chance with you ?' Cue a white light so strong , you would think its the mother ship from close encounters landing '' Sure everyone's got a chance with me , just be yourself and be crazy ''
Taylor - Still Single