''Okay Action Lucas and Your T shirt is ripped off ''
What Fears ?, well how about Lucas has only just realized he's contracted for 2 more Hannah Montanna movies or could it be that before Lucas 'manned up' and cut off his beloved fantastic fringe , is starring in a new spooky internet only show Called 'Fear Clinic' .
Lucas plays Brett , a teen who has a fear of water , a clip does show the square jawed hunk being pulled into a bathtub by some unholy demon , who hopefully rips off Lucas's T shirt . Spook fans will be thrilled to know that the Doctor of the Clinic is played by Robert Englund aka Freddy from 'A Nightmare on Elm Street' .The Lovey Lucas does reveal his own fear during a promo vid for 'Fear Clinic', its going to college and realising he's shock - buck naked ! . Lets hope one day Lucas does face his fear by acting it out and then uploads the vid to you tube for his army of fans to congratulate him on what a banging bod he has and how stunning he looks now he's manned up !
Is it Time for Lucas to Face his Fear ?