The Bodies Beautiful
Being the festive season I thought I should read my Bible again 'Idol Worship ' . I became particularly fascinated by the sheer number of Male Physique magazines around in the fifties and their names . From ' Adonis to ' The Young Physique' all of which now seem quite innocent portraits of the young athletic male in all his glory that waited inside for their readers .
I kept thinking of the parallels between 'The Montgomery Clift ' of his generation', Taylor Launter and his fifties brethren , with his stunning physique being admired by well practically everyone , with the mainstream press pondering Taylor's jail bait quality. This past year I wonder is there a magazine that Taylor hasn't been on , its a bit like Leo mania on of course a smaller scale , where you couldn't pick up a magazine and see Leo's golden bangs looking right back . Taylor , although he hasn't had the rush of unofficial biographies , that came whizzing out at the height of Leo mania , has managed to become cover boy to Entertainment Weekly , Teen Vogue and their cursed shirts on stipulation and of course 'Men's Health' where you can learn 'Why Taylor Lautner's an MH Guy' and discover 'New Moon star Taylor Lautner's secret formula for big screen abs' . Oddly Taylor's muscled torso stays fully covered on the cover .
'The Men's Health' feature on Taylor could though linguistics aside come from the pages of 'The Young Physique' except they would have rightly ensured Taylor was shirtless or like Taylor's 'Rolling Stone' cover and photo shoot provocatively posed and playing football in a tight pec and ab hugging wet T shirt .
Who Knew ? Rolling Stone and The Young Physique share a common bond
Taylor of course wasn't the only dreamboats to go back to the future when our couple of the summer Carter J and Austin B showed just what two teen idols could accomplish with an unlimited gym membership . Carter complete with posing pouch and guitar to hide his modesty from a prying media and stunned crew , showed in the words of Vera what a 'Banging bod' he had . Not to be out done gym bunny buddy Austin slipped into a pair of boardies , took to the pool and showcased a body that left even Taylor Lautner's personal trainer breathless .
Austins photo shoot appeared in Pop Star Magazine , but Austin's marvelous muscles would have been equally at home in the pages of ' Adonis ' magazine where I'm sure they would have found room for Carter and Lucas Till too.
Then like now , a tantalizing covers made sure it caught the readers interest on the news stand .
Clash of the Titans