Thanks to Dreamboat reader Jane , who mentioned that Dreamboats ' Man of the Moment ' is Miami bound to be Bruce Weber's all new 'Abercrombie Man Mews' , for what is sure to be the shoot of the year . Last time Bruce went 'mano et mano' with Lucas , Bruce was cursed by ' Teen Vogues Shirts On ! Stipulation ' .
Now I'm sure Bruce will not be faced by such cruel artistic restrictions as he shoots Lucas as nature intended . I am not posting a 'Vera safety warning' attached to this post as we are imagining what poses Lucas will do , rather than Lucas himself doing the actual poses ,so fear not Vera is in no danger of exploding .
Lucas gets ready to reenact the classic scene 'Raindrops Keep Falling' on my head scene from Butch Cassidy and the Sundance kid with Gorgeous Gregg Sulkin . Obviously Lucas in playing the part of Butch .
Lets start of though showing a classic 'pre manned up' pose from Lucas ...
And now lets play 'Pose Lucas' !
Pose number 1
Could Lucas Pull Off this Pose ? Yes
Could Bruce Get Lucas into this Pose ? No Problem
Will the Pose do it for Abercrombie ? Its right up Thier street
What will Disney Think ?
Who cares what Minnie thinks !
Anyway didn't they stick Zac in the shower and have him yodel in High School 2?
Pose Number 2
Could Lucas Pull Off this Pose ? Great opportunity for Lucas show off his right bicep
Could Bruce Get Lucas into this Pose ? A breeze
Will the Pose do it for Abercrombie ? Its a sure thing
What Will Miley think ?
She blew her chances when she made that 'Rainbow Hen House' for Lucas in the Miley movie.
Is it any wonder he totally manned up after that !
Pose Number 3
Could Lucas Pull Off this Pose ? Hell yeah !
Could Bruce Get Lucas into this Pose ?
All Bruce needs to do is put on some Chet Baker and Lucas will be totally in the moment
Will the Pose do it for Abercrombie ? Its already a given !
What Will Taylor Launter think ?
That his mangers should have got him a better deal when he did the Teen Vogue shoot
Pose Number 4
Could Lucas Pull Off this Pose ? Lucas will love this one , a manned up jump with flex !
Could Bruce get Lucas to do this pose ?
Bruce may have a difficulty getting fun loving Lucas off the trampoline
Will the Pose do it for Abercrombie ?
For Sure , if Lucas was jumping in just his boxers
it would head up their new poster campaign !
Pose Number 5
Could Lucas Pull Off this Pose ? A Classic Manned Up pose here for Lucas , and provides a great opportunity for Lucas to showcase his new 'Gorgeous Gregg, Stay Gold' tattoo.
Could Bruce get Lucas to do this pose ?
Bruce may need to focus on the pose rather than the 'Gorgeous Gregg, Stay Gold' tattoo.
Will the Pose do it for Abercrombie ?
and then some.
What will Gorgeous Gregg think ?
I wish David Henrie had got a 'Gorgeous Gregg , Stay Gold ' tattoo first
What will David Henrie think ?
That his Disney contract forbids tattoos, so if he wants one its gotta stay hidden !
Pose Number 6
Could Lucas Pull Off this Pose ? Biceps and a stomach crunch ! Lucas will love it !
Could Bruce get Lucas to do this pose ? Were Randolph Scott and Cary Crant in Love ?
Will the Pose do it for Abercrombie ? Woah Momma !
What will Sterling think ?
That he'd love to see Matty do that pose and not Ryan Pinkston.
Pose Number 7
Could Lucas Pull Off this Pose ? a dream pose for Lucas
Could Bruce get Lucas to do this pose ?
Its a classic Bruce pose almost sculptural in its execution .
Will the Pose do it for Abercrombie ?
Those made in hong kong jeans will be flying off the shelves !
Pose Number 8
Could Lucas Pull Off this Pose ?
Real men wear jeans for a swim in weber world and Lucas is a real man !
Could Bruce get Lucas to do this pose ?
Sure Bruce may just have found his new Peter Johnson !
Will the Pose do it for Abercrombie ?
They might want that top jean button undone !
Is that Josh Hutcherson ?
Final Pose
Could Lucas Pull Off this Pose ?
By now Lucas will be totally at home in 'weber world' anything could happen !
Could Bruce get Lucas to do this pose ? 2 words Peter Johnson !
Will the Pose do it for Abercrombie ?
They might want sag to be a bit lower , but hey if Bruce's is happy so are they
What Will Lucas's People think ?
Are you doing limited edition prints of that one .