Lucas - Just Like a Prayer
Yes that moment has arrived when Lucas 'He Man' Till's photo shoot with Bruce Weber is finally unveiled to a waiting world via the new Abercrombie and Fitch Quarterly . The angelic look on that handsome face , the amazing jaw line sculptured out of Mount Rushmore itself , that plaid shirt , torn off the back of a tanned Kansas young farmer .
But wait do my eyes deceive me ! can it be that Bruce and Lucas have teamed up to deliver the 'Tease of The Summer !' as the said plaid shirt is still adorning Lucas maned up bod and is tantalising open .
Already theories have began popping up on line ' Was Bruce once again struck by a shirts on but open stipulation ? , Was it cold the day of the shoot causing Lucas nipples to harden ?' Should Josh Hutchinson's Spidey audition have been leaked on line and where was Spidey Logans ?
We can only hope and pray that Lucas did loose that Plaid shirt , for the rest of this already legendary shoot .
This scantastic scan of Lucas in pray mode came from a cool blog , entitled 'Simply Male Modes ' so do whizz over there to see more wonderful pictures from the new quartlerly .