"Jake’s character Jamie Randall is a womanizing pharmaceutical sales rep who falls for Anne’s feisty, free-spirit Maggie. In addition to being the most attractive people to ever occupy a converted Pittsburgh loft at one time, the couple goes on a journey of discovery together culminating in the realization that, perhaps, love is the ultimate drug. I’m sure there are some creative writing majors at Berkley who would disagree.
The movie is a pretty interesting look into the state of the health care industry in the late ’90s and centers around the introduction of Viagra, a drug you may have heard of, as well as the relationship between doctors and pharmaceutical companies at the time. Who knew pharmaceutical sales was so competitive?? Gyllenhall’s character is basically the Nomi Malone of the Ohio River Valley.
I sat down with the pair last week and grilled them on nude scenes, real estate porn, and their thoughts on the recent judge removals in Iowa". -Posted on November 18th, 2010 by Will Pulos in Source: www.newsnownext.com
'Children are really where it's at,' Gyllenhaal told USA Weekend magazine. 'That's what I feel turning 30, more than I ever did.'
-Most people think about settling down, having kids, that sort of thing when they turn 30. How do you feel?
-When you’re in your 20s, you’re feeling your way. But you know what, I meet some 20 year olds and I think they’re highly intelligent and wise, and I’ve met 70-year-olds who are not as wise as them. So I don’t really know. [Laughs] I feel really excited about it. I don’t feel pressure. I think I felt more pressure when I was younger. I feel approaching 30 has given me the permission to feel freer than I ever have. So that need to do whatever the convention tells you to, I feel I’ve cast it off more. I know people say, “OK, now’s the time to do this, now’s the time for that, to get married and have kids.
I certainly want a family of my own, but just because I’m turning 30 doesn’t mean I’m going to do it. Particularly when I talk to my 95-year-old aunt. She’s aware and awake and alive. I do feel that time, but it just makes me love my family and want to be with my family more and spend time with the children I know.
-Do you enjoy being a part of that history?
-There have been a lot of people besides Spencer Tracy that have been a part of that history, good and bad. Yeah, I do feel honored to be a part of that. You look at those movies between Katharine Hepburn and Spencer Tracy, you look at certain scenes, and they could be today. You could be watching it and just flip it to black and white. There’s something about them that’s absolutely extraordinary. To be a part of making movies, if I’m going to steal my way into that somehow and say I’m a part of that, it’s great. It might be the Dark Ages for that history, but I’m still a part of the history! [Laughs] Source: whosnews.usaweekend.com
Love and Other Drugs, featuring Jake Gyllenhaal and Anne Hathaway
Source Code Official Trailer 2 HD, starring Jake Gyllenhaal and Michelle Monaghan
"And just as quietly as he made ‘Moon’ Duncan took up the directorial role for ‘Source Code’, a science fiction thriller written by Billy Ray and Ben Ripley, starring Jake Gyllenhaal, Vira Farmiga, Michelle Monaghan and Jeffrey Wright (great actor). Ray wrote the disaster film ‘Volcano,’ which starred Tommy Lee Jones, but also wrote the very good ‘Shattered Glass,’ which looked at the fabricated journalism of “The New Republic” staff writer Stephen Glass.
Michelle Monaghan: Due Date Interview
"On turning exercise into social activity: "Going on a hike with a friend or my husband works for me because it doesn't feel like exercise. You're catching up or having a gossip session and time goes by quickly."
On eating sensibly: "I've never been on a diet. I don't think they make sense. Ultimately, it's eating sensibly . . . but if I'm at a restaurant, all bets are off!"
On eating healthier because of her daughter: "For the first time, I thought about my well-being. Now I’m trying to instill healthy eating habits in my daughter, so by default my
husband and I are eating healthier."
Michelle Monaghan: Life Is Beautiful video
The actress has got a hot movie career, a great family life, and an amazing body that's healthier and fitter than ever. Here, how she made it all happen -By Kate Meyers
Source: www.womenshealthmag.com