Hawt Dawg !
Yes that's one lucky mutt at the doorway of Steven R McQueen's trailer . Steven plays Jeremy in the Cw's ratings winner 'The Vampire Dairies' . The other week Jeremy asked his young vampire friend Anna to turn him . Vamp Anna has a crush on the floppy haired student , but Jeremy wanted to be with Vicki , who was briefly a vamp but has now been found dead .Confused ? you will be . Meanwhile Dreamboat Vamp - Stephan played in this weeks episode by Luke Perry , was captured in a basement and tortured . Stefan of course was shirtless .
Now with Stefan who ended the episode having shockingly developed a taste for human blood (previously Stefan sucked down a few animals every now and then ). As the season finale approaches it should be only right , that in a cruel but justified twist that it should be Stefan who turns Jeremy as his Vampires Apprentice .
This would give the wonderful Nina Dobrev who plays Elena Stefan's true love , even more to time to shine in the acting stakes . I can see her now ...
'' All the time you said I was the one , your true love but ( beat ) it was my brother ( beat )
( looking even more anguished than we have ever seen and who is shirtless )
Elena ( Beat ) ( Beat ) I ( Beat )( Beat ) ( Beat ) can (Beat ) ( Beat ) Beat ) ( Beat ) explain ...
but for now as long as your brother keeps his hair in that same style and poses shirtless with his dawg on face book , (Beat x 10 ) my heart belongs to ( Beat x 20 ) him .

'If I turn Jeremy , it will shatter Elena's heart forever '
Two of a Kind ?

The above picture of Paul and his amazing totally toned torso was taken by Mitchell Mccormack who has just done a photo shoot with *scream* Lucas ' Man Mews' Till!