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Will Jake Gyllenhaal pull Prince of Persia off?

Jake Gyllenhal and Gemma Arterton in Disney Movie Surfers: 'Prince of Persia' Featurette (#1)

"In a recent Wondercon interview with actor Jake Gyllenhaal, it was revealed that he enjoyed playing Metroid as a kid and thought "Zelda was dope".
I've never played a huge amount of Prince of Persia but what I have played I really enjoyed. I can easily see why a scriptwriter would find the character and the world of Prince of Persia so attractive, especially when the Prince encounters his other self later on down the track in The Warrior Within. It could make for some great story-telling.The fact is we've seen a string of game-to-movie adaptations that had gamers wondering "WTF?!" many times over. Why should Prince of Persia be any different? It remains to be seen just how well Jake will pull it off and to be fair, it isn't entirely up to him.
Good ol' Lara Croft (and Angelina Jolie who played her in the movie) seems to be the only winner in our list. When the Tomb Raider movies were made and Angelina Jolie was cast as Lara Croft, it seemed that someone had finally managed to get something right (well, very right in fact - to this day, the first Tomb Raider movie has grossed more than any other game-to-movie adaptation to date at 300 million world wide).

So with the odds seemingly stacked against the Prince of Persia movie, is there little wonder that we have very little faith the movie will actually do well? If Angelina Jolie as Lara Croft can't even keep the negative reviews at bay in a movie that did quite well commercially, how could Jake Gyllenhaal possibly pull it off?

Jake "Man Meat" Gyllenhaal talks about running around Morocco for his new movie Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time.