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Holy Wash Board Abs ! Its Alexander !

Lord Have Mercy !

Thanks to super poster drakai78 over on Famous Males I was thrilled to see that Alexander  decided to  recreate a pose that recalls the halcyon days of the Physique Pictorial magazines . I was even more thrilled to learn that according to I.M.D.B Alexander had just returned from Bruce Weber's legendary ranch at Montauk  where he shot the 2011 Abercrombie campaign .

I do hope Bruce saw this recent  photo shoot by Lewis Payton before he shot Alexander , inspiring him to  let his mighty lens photograph Alexander in a manner that clearly suits him and his wonderful physic .  Off course it could be that Bruce had photographed Alexander first and in turn Alexander himself was inspired show Hollywood what they have been missing .

Lord Have Mercy , 
Now there's  a bicep that could give Taylor L a run for his money or his trainers 

With one touch Alexander confirms that the jumper/sweater/ scarf/ (answers on a post card please)
 is  hand knitted

Is Alexander the new God of Muscle ?

Alexander fully clothed for a change and looking very spiffy .

Now if they ever remake ' The Fantastic Four ' I could so see Alexander as Johnny Storm , The Human Torch . Flame On !