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Lucas is still Totally Manned Up !

Lucas wears Vest D&G
Leggings Dolce & Gabbana
Shorts and sneakers Nike
Briefs Calvin klein pro stretch

Been wondering just how does Dreamboats favourite Lucas ' Bongos' Till stay in a state of permanent  manned upness . Thankfully V Man magazine has the answer , ever considerate to the needs of their readers . The magazine asked our hero to keep a work out journal as Lucas worked on 'Battle For West Hollywood' and 'X Men Magneto's Choice' .

Lucas in Pickwick Papers mode wrote that on arrival at the Battle For West Hollywood set he was sent to Boot camp where his prized Marky Mark Work Tape was confiscated and Lucas was told to  ' Drop em and hit the showers !'

Taking a leaf out of Taylor Lautners  book , Lucas went all method for 'X Men Charles Xavier : A Single Man' . Lucas vowed  ''I want to look as athletic as my character is in the comics ''. Lucas revealed at the end of his workout he would  focus on his already rock hard abs, this entailed working out with who ever already  was  in the gym, shirtless and ' ready to go ' ( hopefully Giant Nick ) Lucas writes '' usually four of us, sitting in a circle and suggesting the ab exercise, saying how many reps to do, for three or four rounds''.

I do hope these work outs were captured for prosperity and are included in the forthcoming Blue Rays releases for the movies .

Lucas Till's work out journal is taken from VMAN 21, on newsstands February 8th, 2011.