Austin - How long can those bulging biceps be contained ?
Yes out of fan loyalty , I watched 'Ruby and the Rockets' , which is an okay comedy to while away the time with and of course you can always wonder how long Austins plaid shirts selves will contain those developing 'bulging biceps' . I'm wondering if they will write Austin's amazing body into the script . You know Austins character thinks Ruby likes a man with muscles and hey presto the body beautiful is revealed , I'm sure this would secure the ratings if the show suffered a wobble .
I recall my heart rate quickening when I caught a rerun of 'Happy Days' or the 'Joanie Loves Chachi Show' when Chachi and Joanie were on the beach and Scott Baio wore these amazing Orange tight trunks . By the way on 'Happy Days' why did they all scream for the Fonz ? and just why was Fonzie always taking Ritchie into the toilets which the Fonzie ominously named as his 'Office'?. Anyways back to Austin and his Saturn Rocket ....
I did enjoy the flashback scenes to the eighties when David Cassidy and his brother performed in a power rock band , complete with high rise eighties hairdos and gear .But I have to say I was disturbed or maybe perturbed at the apparent shrinkage of David Cassidy . We all know Austins tall , but was it a cruel moment of refection on the casting couch when Davids real life brother Shaun Cassidy who is the executive producer , decided that the whole cast including Austins irritating wisecracking little bro in the show were as tall enough not taller than than his dear brother David ? .
David - The Incredible Shrinking man ?
David - Before shrinkage