Yes , Its Dreamboats favourite , Carter Jenkins and its a pure posting pleasure to bring you these exclusive new images of Carter , with special thanks to James Worthington Demolet . Carter is photographed by Jason Nocito from the pages of forthcoming edition of Block Magazine , which reminds me a lot of the Face Magazine and thats got to be a good thing .Looking at the photograph above I couldn't help thinking was Carter showing just how awesome he would look in Spider-mans mask ? and shouldn't he be auditioning for Marc Webb who's just signed on to direct Spider-man ?
'Nim's near miss and Carter takes a Picnic at Hanging Rock'
Now as talented as Carter is , the picture above shows perhaps that Carter is no Bree Hodge when it comes to the microwave ( actually would Bree even use a microwave ? ) I do of course hope and prey that the beloved Nim was no wear near that oven went it went off .
The photograph next to 'Nims near miss ' is I think one of my favourites of the shoot and has that 'Picnic at Hanging Rock' vibe .
On screen , Carter will be breaking hearts alongside the idol of the Imax , Taylor Launter in February's 'Valentines Day' and a film that looks very interesting 'Arcadia Lost ' which I hope will get a release date later this year . Lets not forgot though as Fox confirms 'Glee's' 2nd season how cool would it be for Carter to guest star in that ?. How about Carter as Mr Shuh's
nephew who comes to stay and of course becomes involved with the Glee club , works for me !