Yes the other week , Sony did what the Sinister Six could never do and defeated the web slinger as they decided not to go ahead with Spider-man 4 and kicked the Spider-man franchise into Reboot putting Peter Parker back into high school . After Spider-man 3 I think this is actually a sweet move by Sony , mainly because it gives us another actor to take on the part of our friendly neighboured Spider-man . In the comics taking over from Steve Dikto , Johnny Romita gave us a good looking Peter and as other artists took over , there appeared to be no end of situations where Peter would loose his shirt or during a battle his costume would become so torn , it was falling off of him .
Who then could slip into super hero spandex , look luscious in Spidey Lycra and still pick up Aunt Mays drugs from the chemist . Over on Superhero Hype I was surprised that Logan as Spidey was so popular , so it would seem Percy Jackson really is raising his profile . Another popular choice was for Adonis Aaron , who of course is in fact playing the Spider-man of his generation 'Kick Buns' .
The legendary Dreamboats casting couch has once again been since Action Alex karate chopped in half , so let the casting begin .