The bosses display an impressive array of vile behavior. In this well-cast movie, each one plays to the strengths of the actors portraying him. Consider Dave Harken (Kevin Spacey), a supercilious sadist who toys with his middle manager Nick (Jason Bateman). Few are better than Spacey at regarding others with contempt and humiliating them with pleasure. Many other actors, given his dialogue in this film, would seem unconvincing and over the top. Spacey demonstrates why he is getting praise right now in London for his work as Shakespeare's Richard III.
The second boss we meet is Dr. Julia Harris (Jennifer Aniston), an erotomaniac dentist. Her target is Dale (Charlie Day), her dental assistant, who is engaged to be married, but so what? She wants him, and she will have him, indulging in blatant and aggressive sexual harassment The movie, directed with cheerful and wicked energy by Seth Gordon, is situation slapstick, much of it set (as many desperate lad pictures are) outside the houses of the targets, as the plotters peep and spy. There's a particularly ingenious series of scenes involving Kevin Spacey, one of them finding a legitimate excuse to recycle perhaps the single most famous shot of "Pulp Fiction."
Spacey is superb, but the surprise for many may be Jennifer Aniston.
Her career has drifted into such shallows that it's possible to forget how good she was in a film like "The Good Girl".