Blog Archive
- He's a Rebel with a Cause , its the Leader of the ...
- Another Absolutely Fabulous Model Shoot from Fanta...
- Posing for his fans , its Lucas Till !
- Coming Soon To a Cinema near you ! Part 3
- Drop Anchor its Jamie Campbell Bower and The Retur...
- Coming Soon to a Torrent or RapidShare site* near ...
- Who is That Masked Dreamboat ?
- Coming soon to a screen near you soon ! Part One .
- When We're Together ...
- The Idol of the Imax in Calvin Klein , Its Taylor !
- Summer Fashion Story - Happy In The Hamptons.
- Aaron Adonis , Just how Big is He ?
- Play Balls ! Its Matty P!
- What a Flamer ! Its Toro !
- The Other Dynamic Duo ! Captain America and Bucky !
- Isn't He lovely ...
- Kicking Buns ! Its The Adonis !
- XY Magazine - The Wet Edition .
- Logan's banged up !
- You Spin Me Right Round Baby ! Its Carter J
- What Is a Diva ?
- You can blow my Whistle anytime ! Its the Fabulous...
- The Twilight Saga continues ...Canyon Crises !
He's a Rebel with a Cause , its the Leader of the 8 pack - Taylor L !

Another Absolutely Fabulous Model Shoot from Fantastic Mag !


Captain America ? I could see Ryan in the suit

Private Steve Rogers at your Service !
Also at your service its Chris@click

When Two Hearts Beat as One - its Jarret@click

''My telepathic powers tell me I'm going to go mano a mano with a trio of pretty boys ''
ooh lets hope Dans and his lovely lips are right !
Holy Model Take Down !
Featuring Michael , Allen and Andrew @Red

''You all wanna piece of Me ?, Bring it on ! ''
Well I don't know how that sort of attitude goes down on the catwalk Dan , but you've got spunk for taking those boys on . Lets look at our next model , the gorgeous niclas @vny.

What a peace full pose by Niclas ...

Dreamy and Dangerous - ''You boys wanna see what a real fighter looks like ?''

Heading to a Rock Festival near you this Summer !

Holy Hair Hoppers ! Its Allen fresh from the model take down , thanks heavens those luxurious locks are okay .
Posing for his fans , its Lucas Till !

Lucas - Fan Friendly
What's not to like about Lucas Till ?, That jawline cut of granite , The lovely layered look of his blond locks and that voice . Now Lucas is offering on his MySpace the opportunity to request a picture and he will do the pose requested of him .Here's the first one , quite intense I thought and commanding in a beanie wearing way . Now I'm sure we could come up with some more creative and above all artistically fulfilling poses for Lucas to do . Now where to start ?

'' Listen Miss Miley , I don't care what the contract says , there's no way on Gods green earth that this Cowboy is appearing in the sequel ! HI Ho Silver Away !''
Coming Soon To a Cinema near you ! Part 3

Amor Juan
Coming up in our last part of a peek at the Frameline 33 festival 'Amor Crudo' Raw Love a short film ,which explores the friendship between two friends and its a David Hockney painting come to life in the feature lenght film 'Water Colours'.
Amor Crudo / Raw Love is about according to the official synopsis ..
'Two friends spend the last days of high school together, but this will inevitably come to an end. 'Raw Love' is a beautiful and sincere story of mixed emotions and secrets that one dare not speak aloud.'
Or via a Google translation Diego Sticker a production assistant on the film sums up the story as ....
'An account of those years where pubescent football, friends, feelings and confused the last days of school were hybridized, I join you and make you life now separates them.'
Or from a Spanish Newspaper, translation via google ....
' A portrait of the pubescent years, of fever overwhelmed and confused feelings. Two friends who spend the entire time together, playing hands during the day, touching and at night. But are the last days of school and while they do not want, something is being finalized.'

Well that certainly seems a lot to pack into 16 minutes , looking lovely in the top picture above and with a cascading mop is Juan Felipe Villanueva who plays Iván . Water Sport lovers will be pleased to know that Juan plays Water polo . Sadly the new Blogger Anti Speedo Task Force have decreed that Juan may not be shown in his Water polo speedos .We are allowed to post two more pictures of Juan fully clothed though . Disappointing I know but these are the times we Blog in .

Juan plays Water polo.

Taking of Water sports , our last film Water Colours is actually sponsored I think by Speedo. How cool is that ! and also stars the legendary Greg Louganis as Coach Brown and in my eyes the equally legendary Karen Black and lets not forget the two leads at the centre of the film Kyle Clare as the Lycra loving Carter and Tye Olson as a David Hockney fixated young artist , whose dream is to paint Carter in or out of his speedos and judging by the still pictures and the trailer he totally succeeds and ends up scoring an exhibition at Los Angles County Museum of Art .

Arriving for practice , its skater swimmer Carter !

Attention! Cater is greeted by his Two Team mates Chad and Conner

Meanwhile stuck at the back of the lovely Swim Teams latest 'photo op' The Lovely long locked Carter wondered ''I just wished I could have been photographed in my Speedo too , I guess I just don't understand this new 'Blogger Anti Speedo Task Force' at all.''

''So I checked in with Dreamboats and they said the 'Anti Speedo Rule' only applies if your the lead actor in a film and wear a Speedo . So I'm asking you now as friend and maybe would be lover ,will you paint me with no Speedos on ?''
'' You mean just in in your Boxers right man ? ''
'' No dude , paint me just as Bruce Weber intended ''
''Sure thing , if I can take a dip with you first ''

Later than night , as brush touched a virgin canvas Carter did indeed pose as Bruce Weber intended ...

And the banter flowed easily between the two friends ...
''Have you done this sort of thing before?''
''No its my first time ''
'' You look like a Caravaggio painting in that light ''
''Thanks Bro''
The next Day , Miss Black The Art Teacher gave her thoughts on the Painting ...

''Yes its like the very essence of Caravaggio crossed with the modern brush of a Hockney is laid bare before me ...a... a ... masterpiece !''
''You Rock Miss Black and ! and so does our Teaser Trailer !''
Drop Anchor its Jamie Campbell Bower and The Return of Rock Cherub George !

I'd forgotten about Jamie , which is a pity as I had his version of 'Johanna' from Sweeney Todd on repeat for ages . But Jamie is back on Famous Males and thanks to mega poster Baton for these scantastic scans How fab does Jamie look here head cocked back in anticipation , was he going to sing a sonnet for the photographer ?,who knows . Jamie is appearing I see in a new version of the classic TV show The Prisoner which had such an awesome introduction . Jamie is playing Number 11/12 and Jim Caviezel as Number Six and Sir Ian as Number two ,now that's a cast and half .The Prisoner debuts in November .
Jamie also pops up in Twilight's New Moon as Casius , I wonder who Casius is and does he like musclebound Werewolf's ? Then before you can pop your Cherry bomb , Jamie's in the new Harry Potter . Blimey talk about being busy ! but wait there's more , Jamie's got a band with a great name The Darling Buds and who wants to get these 'Bitches' on tour with him ? None other than The Rock Cherub himself - George Craig .
While George is beaving away with the boys from One Night Only , The Rock Cherub also found time to get down at the front of the 'Buds' gigs and partying away , in the way that only George can . Recently after one nights antics , George woke up to find that Jamie had violated the Rock Cherubs nipple !

Apparently Rock Cherub George does like being called a 'Rock Cherub Dreamboat' and even Tweeters about it .Lovely.

Jamie how could you ? apparently very easily .

Jamie and The Rock Cherub party on , this time for Ray Ban !
Apparently Rock Cherub George does like being called a 'Rock Cherub Dreamboat' and even Tweeters about it .Lovely.
Coming Soon to a Torrent or RapidShare site* near you ! Part Two

Super Poster !
After part ones 'Dance with Darkness', lets enjoy a short that has been around for a while and is part of Frameline 33 Festival .Boy meets Boy is a super short , the film as I remember it sort of has a back to front type of structure which I liked , as shy student Min-Soo (played by super twink Kim Hye Sung) gazes at Seok-i (played by super twink Lee Hyeon-jin-I) on a bus and what a lovely gazer he is .
Hair Style of the Month !

''Why is that lovely super twink gazing at me so? ''

Stepping out to promote the film together !

''I call this style the Joseph Gordon-Levitt ''
The Next film that caught my eye was , oh all right it was one of the actors is 'Light Gradient' directed by Jan Kruger who directed the Whiz Kids a short based on the story by A.M. Homes. Light Gradient is about a couple cycling through vine country and stopping to enjoy a glass of Cloudy Bay or it could be about ...
''Young lovers Johann and Robin bicycle through the picturesque Brandenburg Forest in Jan Krüger’s idiosyncratic road movie, an erotic tale of love and self-discovery that takes time to explore its majestic forest ''
Yes I know it does sound like a bit like the Never Ending Story , but wait whose that in a boat ?

''Young lovers Johann and Robin bicycle through the picturesque Brandenburg Forest in Jan Krüger’s idiosyncratic road movie, an erotic tale of love and self-discovery that takes time to explore its majestic forest ''
Yes I know it does sound like a bit like the Never Ending Story , but wait whose that in a boat ?

Its Henri played by Denis Alevi

Trouble in Paradise ?
''For once Lets not argue , why not let Henri take us fishing ''

''So Henri will you be going shirtless before the end of this post ? ''
''Sure, I guess , this is Dreamboats after all ''

The fatefull question - Is Three a Crowd ?
Lets find out ...
*Dreamboats would like to make it clear that it has never downloaded a film from a torrent or Rapid share site unless it was in an emergency and the site had Dreamboy on it
Who is That Masked Dreamboat ?

“Though the book was announced for September, the publishing date has now moved — this hasn’t been reflected on Amazon yet,” said a Titan Books representative. “We will confirm a publishing date for the book once the film’s release date is announced, I know this will disappoint a lot of fans who cant wait to see Aaron in action .''

Ninja Adonis !
Coming soon to a screen near you soon ! Part One .

Frameline 33 has kicked off with such dazzling programme, its sweet to see that there's even a couple films I blogged about . Patrick1.5 which I loved is the story of a gay adoption going wrong then going right and with a Dolly Parton song to boot . One film I'd love to see expanded on is James which is such a great little short , it makes you want it too continue . Its moving and as such a good performance by Niall Wright in the title character .
Lets start off with another short that hopefully is going to be expanded by its director ;Weak Species which is based upon the writings of that well known spooky writer . I've often wondered if Dennis Coppers work is too surreal and well at times 'shock and awe' for the sake of 'shock awe' . I have to say I did enjoy reading about Dennis fictionalised crush on Alex James from Brit band Blur . Alex was so disturbed and maybe perturbed that he decided not to meet the writer for a one and one interview with Dennis .
Weak Species is based on the novel Closer and other poems by Dennis Copper . I certainly liked the soundtrack by No Man who have got a great way words and song titles 'My Revenge On Seattle' is well worth a listen .Cast wise there's a lot to like , playing Steve is Brenden Bradley.High school student Steve sets his sights high and only the top school jock will do or as the synopsis puts it ..
''For Steve, high school is a game. Seducing his classmates gives him his sense of purpose and fuels his art and poetry. When Steve sets his sights on the school star athlete, he starts a cat and mouse chase which could ruin him and his idol. ''
Golly ! lets have a break from all this spookiness and check out some photographs of Brenden in various roles that lead up to his casting .

What a handsome young man full of promise, surely too All American to star in a Dennis Copper film ?

''Hes mine Dennis , you will not turn him to the Dark side ''
Don't bet on it Sister

Yikes! look behind you Brenden! its Spooky Dennis !
Unhand him Dennis you brute !

''Your Banging Bod is mine now! , your dreams of working for Disney are over !''
A bar in West Hollywood...
His Disney Dreams effectively destroyed Brenden was left to ponder where to turn in a rather fetching tight Grey t shirt highlighting his muscular frame .

But driven by a demonic and dark desire Dennis could not leave Brenden alone !
High morals not with standing Brenden appeared as a buffed up Jock in the rather good short film ' Kali Ma '

That short film effectively sealed the young actors fate and it was only a matter of time before Dark side Dennis would come calling once more , but this time Brenden was ready ...
Meanwhile back to Weak Species and the other actor in the film actor musician Erik Smith who plays loner and floppy haired George who is looking for love in all the wrong places or as the synopsis puts it ..
''George, the school recluse, copes with the stress of his mother's cancer and strained relationship with his father by cutting class and using drugs. Hooking up with a stranger in an effort to lose himself, George finds himself in a life or death situation.''
Sadly , Erik leads an antics free existence and enjoys making music that sounds like Jesse McCartney crossed with the Jonas brothers . That unique sound must have done it for the normally indie groove loving Denis and he too was cast .

''George, the school recluse, copes with the stress of his mother's cancer and strained relationship with his father by cutting class and using drugs. Hooking up with a stranger in an effort to lose himself, George finds himself in a life or death situation.''
Sadly , Erik leads an antics free existence and enjoys making music that sounds like Jesse McCartney crossed with the Jonas brothers . That unique sound must have done it for the normally indie groove loving Denis and he too was cast .

Holy Foot Fetish !

And now its the spooky Weak Species trailer
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