Yes although for many comic fans , there has always been just one dynamic duo Batman and Robin the boy wonder . I was reminded the other day though as Marvel comics revealed more about their plans of a Captain America movie and assured fans that his teenage sidekick , ''Feisty 16 year old Bucky would be in there somewhere'' .
Back in World War Two , Bucky hooked up with Captain , when the young orphan pulled back the tarpaulin entrance of the army tent the teenager shared with blond , muscle bound private Steve Rogers and caught Steve mid change as he suited up to become Captain America . Bucky I recall screamed in delight and Captain America promptly signed Bucky up as his teenage sidekick complete with 'Robin' mask . Obviously a key side kick costume accessory )
ooh the nerve of that Wolverine !
The duo enjoyed many adventures together during World War Two , thwarting evil doers left right and centre and still shared the same army tent . Tragedy though struck one day, when plucky Bucky failed to diffuse a missile . Captain America then leaped on top of the same missile , which hadn't exploded fully only enough to blow Bucky apparently up .Fighting back the tears and using his super strength , The Captain pulled the missile up and away from its intended target . The blast hurled the hero deep into the frozen arctic wastelands ,where the Captain lay deep frozen for decades .Upon being discovered and thawed out , the good Captain found a home in the Avengers mansion and hung out with The Hulk and old Iron briefs himself - Iron Man .
Thankfully the Captain was not alone for long as living in the mansion was yet another teenager Rick Jones , close pal of the Incredible Hulk and now alone himself as the not so jolly green giant had gone off in a huff and left the mansion . This left the young dark haired Ricky time of course to befriend the good Captain who oddly had taken to calling young Rick 'Bucky' . This Rick gallantly said was due to Captain America's confusion of being thawed out too quickly . But I thought Rick secretly knew the signals Captain was sending out and was covering for him . Captain America though seemed blissfully unaware and offered to show young Rick some gymnastic tricks ! with old Iron Briefs consent ...
The compassion of Rick and the relationship gets the blessing of Iron Briefs.
Fortunately Captain America decided to dissolve the friendship before it went the way of a fully blown civil partnership and well before anything liked this happened ...

Of course now with the movie in preparation comic news sites are filled with casting couch talk on who will get share Captain Americas tent . Brushing aside the obvious candidates , I'll go for both the Logans , Lerman and Huffman , with my favourite being Carter J and for a young Steve Rogers aka Captain America for any flashbacks , it has to be Lucas Till - holy jaw line !

Has Lucas got room his tent ?