Thanks to Dreamboat reader Jane , who mentioned that Dreamboats ' Man of the Moment ' is Miami bound to be Bruce Weber's all new 'Abercrombie Man Mews' , for what is sure to be the shoot of the year . Last time Bruce went 'mano et mano' with Lucas , Bruce was cursed by ' Teen Vogues Shirts On ! Stipulation ' .
Now I'm sure Bruce will not be faced by such cruel artistic restrictions as he shoots Lucas as nature intended . I am not posting a 'Vera safety warning' attached to this post as we are imagining what poses Lucas will do , rather than Lucas himself doing the actual poses ,so fear not Vera is in no danger of exploding .
Lets start of though showing a classic 'pre manned up' pose from Lucas ...

Lucas gets ready to reenact the classic scene 'Raindrops Keep Falling' on my head scene from Butch Cassidy and the Sundance kid with Gorgeous Gregg Sulkin . Obviously Lucas in playing the part of Butch .
And now lets play 'Pose Lucas' !
Pose number 1

Could Lucas Pull Off this Pose ? Yes
Could Bruce Get Lucas into this Pose ? No Problem
Will the Pose do it for Abercrombie ? Its right up Thier street
What will Disney Think ?
Who cares what Minnie thinks !
Anyway didn't they stick Zac in the shower and have him yodel in High School 2?
Pose Number 2

Could Lucas Pull Off this Pose ? Great opportunity for Lucas show off his right bicep
Could Bruce Get Lucas into this Pose ? A breeze
Will the Pose do it for Abercrombie ? Its a sure thing
What Will Miley think ?
She blew her chances when she made that 'Rainbow Hen House' for Lucas in the Miley movie.
Is it any wonder he totally manned up after that !
Pose Number 3

Could Lucas Pull Off this Pose ? Hell yeah !
Could Bruce Get Lucas into this Pose ?
All Bruce needs to do is put on some Chet Baker and Lucas will be totally in the moment
Will the Pose do it for Abercrombie ? Its already a given !
What Will Taylor Launter think ?
That his mangers should have got him a better deal when he did the Teen Vogue shoot
Pose Number 4

Could Lucas Pull Off this Pose ? Lucas will love this one , a manned up jump with flex !
Could Bruce get Lucas to do this pose ?
Bruce may have a difficulty getting fun loving Lucas off the trampoline
Will the Pose do it for Abercrombie ?
For Sure , if Lucas was jumping in just his boxers
it would head up their new poster campaign !
Pose Number 5

Could Lucas Pull Off this Pose ? A Classic Manned Up pose here for Lucas , and provides a great opportunity for Lucas to showcase his new 'Gorgeous Gregg, Stay Gold' tattoo.
Could Bruce get Lucas to do this pose ?
Bruce may need to focus on the pose rather than the 'Gorgeous Gregg, Stay Gold' tattoo.
Will the Pose do it for Abercrombie ?
and then some.
What will Gorgeous Gregg think ?
I wish David Henrie had got a 'Gorgeous Gregg , Stay Gold ' tattoo first
What will David Henrie think ?
That his Disney contract forbids tattoos, so if he wants one its gotta stay hidden !
Pose Number 6

Could Lucas Pull Off this Pose ? Biceps and a stomach crunch ! Lucas will love it !
Could Bruce get Lucas to do this pose ? Were Randolph Scott and Cary Crant in Love ?
Will the Pose do it for Abercrombie ? Woah Momma !
What will Sterling think ?
That he'd love to see Matty do that pose and not Ryan Pinkston.
Pose Number 7

Could Lucas Pull Off this Pose ? a dream pose for Lucas
Could Bruce get Lucas to do this pose ?
Its a classic Bruce pose almost sculptural in its execution .
Will the Pose do it for Abercrombie ?
Those made in hong kong jeans will be flying off the shelves !
Pose Number 8

Could Lucas Pull Off this Pose ?
Real men wear jeans for a swim in weber world and Lucas is a real man !
Could Bruce get Lucas to do this pose ?
Sure Bruce may just have found his new Peter Johnson !
Will the Pose do it for Abercrombie ?
They might want that top jean button undone !
Is that Josh Hutcherson ?
Final Pose

Could Lucas Pull Off this Pose ?
By now Lucas will be totally at home in 'weber world' anything could happen !
Could Bruce get Lucas to do this pose ? 2 words Peter Johnson !
Will the Pose do it for Abercrombie ?
They might want sag to be a bit lower , but hey if Bruce's is happy so are they
What Will Lucas's People think ?
Are you doing limited edition prints of that one .