"The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn" has opened up new production offices in Baton Rouge, filming is scheduled from November 1 - March 15. Source: twitter.com/prodweek
-What’s different this time with Eclipse?
-Honestly, I was disappointed. There were many action scenes for Jacob, but when the best stuff happens, Jacob is in his wolf form, so they left out some of the stuff I did on my own. At least I got to kiss Kristen for the first time ever. That was the best. She’s a great kisser.

-What do you think about Breaking Dawn being two movies?
-It’s a great idea. It’s hard to adapt a 500 page book into a 110 page script. And Breaking Dawn has 800 pages. The storylines are a bit more complicated with all the wolfpack stuff and the baby. It’s too much. One movie is not enough". Source: en.twilightpoison.com
"Breaking Dawn" Scenes that Need to Make It into the Movie:

"Their long-awaited nuptials happen quite early on in the book, much to the delight of fans of the will-they-or-won't-they couple. It's a family affair that almost runs smoothly, no thanks to Jacob almost wolfing out when he learns that Bella plans to become a vampire. It's a testosterone-fueled scene, with the boys once again facing off, much to Bella's dismay (we bet she's secretly happy, really — who wouldn't want Robert Pattinson and Taylor Lautner fighting over her?!). The wedding, itself, has its moments, with the high point being the vows and Edward removing Bella's borrowed garter with his teeth. If that doesn't make it into the movie, Melissa Rosenberg will have a lot to answer for.

Calm down, ladies — we're almost positive this whole chapter will make it into the movie. It's the perfect opportunity to feature a topless Robert Pattinson during his impromptu celebratory skinny-dip, and it's also the first time Edward and Bella have sex. That said, it's not nice sex — it's Edward at his headboard-breaking, pillow-biting best, with Bella getting a little bruising during this most monumental of moments (not to mention extremely pregnant), which might not make it into the final cut of a PG-13 movie. We're just sayin'.
Jacob Forming His Own Wolf Pack

This scene is where The Twilight Saga take a turn for the gruesome. It's like something out of Alien, only not quite as surprising. Bella's baby, Renesmee (yeah, don't ask), is now so huge, she literally breaks out of Bella's body, almost taking mommy's spinal cord with her in the process. Bella's nearly dead as a doornail before Edward realizes what he has to do to keep her alive — change her into a vampire. Like, now. So he injects his venom straight into her heart, then bites her. Many times. All over her body. It might sound hot, but it really isn't — it's all done in despair and with a savagery we haven't seen from Mr. Cullen before. It's the only scene that will push the PG-13 boundaries, but it's one that has to be included. The imagery will be awesome.

Towards the end of the book, the Cullens are preparing to take down the Volturi, yet again, and enlist the help of several vampire covens from all around the world. It looks like it's going to lead up to a huge battle, with casualties and bloodspill, but it doesn't. There is one good thing to come out of an otherwise redundant section, and that's a horde of new vampire characters. We meet the Amazon, Denali, and Irish covens, as well as the American Nomads. Some awesome characters are introduced, most notably Zafrina, Kate, and Garrett".
Source: www.reelzchanel.com