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You are My Young Farmer !

Giant Nick ! - You Could Be Jack !

Dungarees ! Its Aneurin Barnard

Bohemian!  Its the Adonis !

Yes Director Bryan Singers casting couch is coming to London and he's after Giant Nick , Aneurin Barnard and Adonis Aaron to play farm boy Jack in the up and coming 'Jack The Giant Killer' . I have to say what a fabulous shortlist , you have Giant Nick who has been unleashing his beast in 'X Men First Class' , who looks fantastic in dungaree's and of course the Adonis , who I have to say was rather good in 'Chatroom'. 

I've always thought Bryan has a great talent for choosing the right actors for his films , ( Superman Returns excepted ) so I'll be interested to see who gets the part of Jack  . At the moment I quite fancy Aneurin chances but that could be those off the shoulder  dungaree's .