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2011's First Fantastic Fringe Collapse !

Model Leon - A Fringe To Far ?

Yes sometimes sporting a great fantastic fringe can be fraught with danger , just a power swish to far , a empty can of Elnett satin hairspray and those cascading locks can come tumbling down .Leon the model though turns fantastic fringe  adversity to fantastic fringe triumph in the photo above .

Of course heaven forbid that would have happened back in the day when Matty P reigned supreme as both Special Hair Envoy to the Entire Universe and of course winner of 'Titantic Tresses award . The exact nature of range of styling products that enabled Matty P's  luscious lock's to shine through Matty P's hair years is a closely guarded  secret that apparently only close friend Sterling Knight is privy too .

Matty P - 'The Hair Years '