"Jake admits spending time with the man that inspired his character in the film was a unique experience. The star was certainly impressed with Jamie’s social skills, and found him extremely fun to be around.
“He would always grab somebody in restaurants. He would always grab a waitress and ask them where they were from and then I’d come back from the bathroom and he’d know their life story and someone they were related to, it’s crazy,” Jake told Cover Media.

Duncan Jones: There was a couple of things. We had just finished Moon. I wanted to have the opportunity to sort of work out what it’s actually like to work on… not so much a Hollywood film, because this is not a studio film, per se, but I wanted to understand what it was like to work over here and through more of the system. Stewart and I, who’s my producer, we sort of did Moon all ourselves, and it was very much our project. We controlled everything. We made all of the decisions. And I wanted to sort of go through the process over here a little bit and have the chance to work with, you know…

We had ended up moving very, very fast, and things came together very fast. And then we got Michelle Monaghan onboard, and Vera Farmiga, and Jeffrey Wright, all of whom were people I really sort of went out to get, and I was so excited when they actually agreed to be involved in the film. I mean I’m a huge Vera fan. I think she’s an amazing actress. And, you know, it’s a real thrill to work with her, as well as the others.

Duncan Jones: Well, let me tell you. It’s a thriller. It has a couple of science fiction elements, but it’s contemporary and it goes definitely beyond science fiction. It’ s much more, I think, open than that. It’s about a guy who wakes up on a train, doesn’t know how he got there, finds… you’ll see in the first few minutes…finds that he is not who he thinks he is. Let me show the first five minutes of the film and then we can talk about it a bit more.
Question: If I could just do one quick follow-up, when is the first trailer getting released, and when is Summit amping up the promotional end…

Question: You said that there’s basically three parts to the film. Does that mean that we spend equal number of time or equal number of time in each of those sort of realms, if you will?
Duncan Jones: No, no. The limbo land is kind of the glue between the two main ones, which is the train and then there’s this other environment where Colter finds himself, somewhere that is totally alien to him that he’s never been before. So those are kind of these two main elements, and then the limbo land is what kind of joins those two, from him going back and forth between the two.

Duncan Jones: We actually… I’m terrible at those kind of choices so we shot on both.[laughter] Source: collider.com