"Accordingly, while Frank Sinatra got dressed in the hospital room, shooting his cuffs to cover the bandages (the doctor had just walked out, shaking his head, after warning Sinatra that he was leaving against Medical Advice), Jimmy Van Heusen looked his friend in the eye and told him he had to have a word with him. The two men looked at each other in the mirror as Frank looped his tie. And Jimmy, his voice serious, told Frank that he had to see a headshrinker when he got back to Los Angeles". -"Frank: The Voice" by James Kaplan
If you are looking for Medicare Supplemental Insurance there is a policy provided by private insurance companies that fill the gaps in coverage that basic Medicare doesn't cover (over 20% of medical bills and expenses). One of the perks provided by this insurance is receiving a policy without a previous medical exam during what is called a "guaranteed issue period", and a guaranteed policy renewal too.
A big advantage for those with pre-existing health issues, because once the coverage is in place the insurance company will not raise the premiums.
''Being an 18-karat manic-depressive, and having lived a life of violent emotional contradictions, I have an overacute capacity for sadness as well as elation''. ''Whatever else has been said about me personally is unimportant. When I sing, I believe, I'm honest'' -Frank Sinatra.

"He’s a once in a lifetime star. That’s exactly what he is—a superstar. Brighter than anyone. Bigger than he thinks he is—and it scares him; Champagne explodes when you bottle it in beer bottles” -Frank Capra on Frank Sinatra

"Frank Sinatra was born in Hoboken, a town that he rarely visited after achieving his success and which he regarded as having held him in insufficient esteem. In public declarations he offered the traditional gospel of self-help as his philosophy of making good. Sinatra believed in concepts of dignity and compassion, but he did so on his own terms. His moral code was paleolithic". -Chris Rojek in "Frank Sinatra" (2004)

Dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) is a system of therapy originally developed by Marsha M. Linehan to treat people with borderline personality disorder (BPD). If you are interested in DBT Self Help recent works suggest its effectiveness with sexual abuse survivors and chemical dependencies.