Actually I didn't , but in the eighties there was a great cinema in Kings Cross called the Scala and if you were going to loose anything you'd have lost it there ! I do love a good movie guide book be it 'a making of ', 'the art of ' and even Dive!! has a lovely mini making of book , how lovely . I noticed in Total Film magazine that a new Gay movie guide was out , Out at the Movies by Steven Paul Davis , I haven't read it maybe I should ask for a review copy he he .It looks kind of interesting and I'm guessing it covers all the usual suspects looking at the cover .
The Usual Suspects in shocking Pink !
One guide book I do have and rate is 'Images in the Dark: An Encyclopedia of Gay and Lesbian Film and Video' by Raymond Murray . It covers so many well known and not so well movies with a brief review and a nice bit of information , Also there are sections on gay stars , directors , writers and composers , Its a great read and clocks in at around 599 pages .
I also loved reading Don Lott's Coming of Age film and Video Guide and wondered about the enduring attraction of Matt Dillion .Great cover featuring Stéphane Rideau and Frédéric Gorny from a great film Wild Reeds . Coming of Age must feature every coming of age film ever made both studio and independent .