Rebound Randy ! is he returning ?
Now there's an ending I never saw coming on the last Ugly Betty , was it the shock that 'Pappey' had seen Spring Awakening with Hunkster Parrish ? No the ending with Pappey on life support and that fantastic Sebastien Tellier song ' La Ritournelle playing in the background . Holy guilt trip for Betty . Of course Justin was there bedside with his wonder full mother whose such a great character . While I was browsing AfterElton (which I should really browse more often) I noticed in Winter Tv Preview they thought the Justin storyline with Jock Ballet Bad Boy Randy would continue a maybe morph into a relationship .
When we last saw Randy he had given Justin his marching orders ( the bastard ! how could he ! )and Justin arrived home upset to be reassured by his mum that he was indeed 'fabulous' . I thought at the the time it was a fairly moving moment and more than reminded me of my own High School Crushes .So is Randy due a return and what will happen if he does ? Well even if he doesn't appear I'll remain glued to Ugly Betty as always.