Yes its the return of dreamboats occasional series, the on going celebration of the work of top photographer Keith Munyan who has the arduous job of photographing teen superstars for such magazines as 'Tiger Beat' 'Pop star' and 'Time Magazine' . But after a recent photo shoot with rising star the lovely Lucas Till in which the teen star remained fully clothed through out stunned experts and now rumours have started, wondering out loud if the maestro has lost his touch . Experts pin point a key moment when a photo shoot of David Archulata was published and Davids shirt remained fully buttoned . Yet only weeks later against a background of soothing wind chimes teen superstar Taylor Launter posed shirtless swing from a tyre . Assisted by Chad who ensured Taylor's swing abilty , Keith produced another stunning set photographs that had even Bruce Weber wondering how does he do that ? .
Then came whats being called '' That Shoot '' with rising star the lovely Lucas Till who will be starring in the blockbuster 'Hannah Montana: The Movie'. As we know Lucas took a dip in the sea with mermaid miley during a break from filming of the epic . Onlookers described the pair '' Lucas's shirt came flying off ! It was as if they were recreating that scene 'From Here to Eternity 'when Burt Lancaster and Deborah Kerr lay on the beach as the tide washed over them , it was that passionate I nearly chocked on my gum ''
' From Here to Eternity '
Then Lucas sported a vest and posed in a t shirt with the selves rolled up, on his official site .Surely the stage was being set for an epic session of shirtlessness !
'Just a tease...?'
'Lucas channels Hollywood legend Burt Lancaster in this shot '
But no ! Was it the soundtrack of Queen hits? in which Lucas taps bravely along to' I want to Break Free ' Was it the outfits ? a top and Jeans by Calvin Klein followed by a suit by Armani, Did the other clothes rumoured to be a speedo and a wrestling singlet not meet with Lucas's approval ? or did keith's plans for an outdoor shoot turn sour when the tyre swing used to such great effect in the Taylor Launter shoot was deemed to be a safety hazard by the Mayor of Los Angles?.