Rebel Yell !
The lovely blond haired Thomas
Ljungman stars as
Patrik in a film I caught the other day called
Patrik1.5 , I really liked this film , maybe it was the mood I was in , Its a romantic drama about a gay couple who wish to adopt , and of course it goes astray when the young baby they thought they were going to adopt turns out to be angry teen Patrick whose full of angst . But Like every rebel with out a cause ,
Patrik does have a sensitive side , he loves to garden and sets to work in the neighbourhood , pruning a rose there and planting some Lily's .
Its very nicely told tale
exploring the ups and downs of the couples relationship . I thought Thomas was very good as
Patrik , particularly at showing the sensitive side of his character .I wonder if Thomas will be spotted like David
Kross who was great in the Reader . Thomas it turns out was in my Favorite film of 'Last year Let The Right One In' but oddly I cant recall him at all .

The wrong Patrik ?

What could the young soul rebel mean ?

Golly ! Rebel Patriks found the couples 'Tom Of Finlands' book , could have been worse imagine if he found a stash of Hello magazines !

Classic Rebel Pose !

The Healing power of nature , just don't call him Monty Don

Car Boot Rebel !

Patrick the Pimp !

Turning Tricks ?

Location , Location

Percy Thrower by day ,Rebel at Night
Thrilled by the success of Patrik 1.5, Thomas shaved off all of his hair , the rebel !

What a devil !
But then in true hair hopper style had to grow it back when it was announced the young rebel would be playing a bequiffed young hero ...

''I'm Pleased to Announce that Thomas will be playing the intrepid boy reporter Tin Tin ''

Did Tin Tin have that many piercings ? what would Captain Haddock say , still fab quiff !

Playing Chang
Cheng ,Tin Tins close friend is the lovely
Sosuke Ikematsu (from Dive!!!) Chang of course brought Tin Tin to tears when he feared Chang had died . But Chang had been captured by the Abominable Snowman ( well who says Yetis don't have taste ?) Of course Chang was rescued by Tin Tin and
Snowey ! I cant wait to see this film .