Life in Tokio , Taylor Rocks Japan with a Giant Quiff !

Taylor in Tokio and his Giant 5cm High Quiff

Yes fresh from wining the 'Dreamboats annual Montgomery Clift' award , an award which left the stunned star speechless . Taylor jumped on to teen idol airlines and landed in japan . To promote the opening of Twilight there . Looking lovely ,the suited and booted bequiffed idol of millions recovered his power of speech to say a few words to the worlds press and Tiger Beat magazine .

Taylor wanted to talk Twlight but the worlds press only had questions about the size of his quiff and the Armani designed speedo which due to his mighty morphing rippling physique , left the idol unable to wear the designer speedo .

Taylor works the crowd

Taylor with his new quiff and umbrella handler brought on board to 'Team Tay' to ensure the quiff maintains pristine condition and maximum media impact .

Asked if the star still had the Armani designed speedo , Taylor replied ''Actually I spoke with Giorgio and asked if I could put it on eBay for auction , works for Jeremy Sumpter right ?!'' .Why had the icon of the movie industry's quiff become bigger and some say more aerodynamic ?With a smile so dazzling that many of the media throng thought their camera flashes had inadvertently gone off, the star said '' I've just been reading 'Herges Adventures of Tin Tin' his quiff rocked '' . Mystery solved then