Blog Archive
- Emma's 'Valentines Bromance Massacre' continues ! ...
- Holy HeartBreak ! Dreamboats reveals the cause of ...
- Burn Baby Burn !
- Kicking Ass at the Con !
- Austin 'My thoughts won't Leave me alone '
- The Rock Cherub hits the Catwalk and keeps clothes...
- Dream Teen - Summer Special Out Now !
- Crusin with Captain Cody !
- Dreamboats Old Skool Retro Muse number 145 !
- Oh Ruby Don't take Your Love to Town !
- Holy Aerodynamic Quiff !
- Rebel Rebel !
- X Appeal ! Its Xavier !
- 'I Can Make You Feel Good' ! Its Kavana !
- Another Man's Beating My Time !
- O.M.G Its a Porno !
- He's the Leader of the Eight Pack ! Its Taylor and...
- Austin ' The Body Beautiful' Bulter goes Giant siz...
- Fire those Pocket Rockets !
- Dreamboats Honours Aveda's Special Hair Envoy Of t...
- Kick Buns - The Poster Arrives !
- Special Hair Envoy to the Universe Announced by Av...
- Muscles where You Least Expect .
- Oh Arthur where Art thou ?
- The Wonderfull William - A special Dreamboats Edit...
- Golden Showers ..The Mighty Marcus !
- Twitters Featured Couple of the Summer - Austin an...
- Kick Buns Back in Action ! Its The Adonis !
- 'Its a work of Literature'
- Austins - Blue period.
- I need a Hero ! Its the Adonis !
- The Magic of Matt !
- The Summers Hottest Couple step out at the Barbie ...
- Amor Crudo ! round two
- Holy Evel Knievel !
- Feel The Force !..Its Darth Vader's Glove !
- Dreamboats New Muse 1001 ...Daniel Landroche
- Who Were You with in the Green house ? Its the Roc...
- Summer of Rock ! Its Kissin Dynamite!
- Matty P stops traffic on a downtown date !
- I want a Brofriend ! Its Lucas Till !
Holy HeartBreak ! Dreamboats reveals the cause of Austin's Broken Night of Sleep .
How could it have come to this ?, Is the relationship between the happiest pair of Bro's in Hollywood in danger ?. We thought Austin's sleepless night was caused by what would happen if Austin and Carter both wore racing swim suits that could split open on set or he was worried about a potential clash of outfits with Carter on the Red Carpet . But no the real truth is far far worse ....

Burn Baby Burn !
Worried about global warming ? Are the hottest Dreamboats causing damage to the Earths Eco system ? Why not just sit back and let Dreamboats monitor the ever changing body heat that our Dreamboats emit into the worlds atmosphere .

Kicking Ass at the Con !

Despite the absence of the Adonis busy filming 'Chatroom' , Kick Ass rocked ' Comic Con ' winning glowing reviews everywhere . Sadly as we know the film won't debut until 2010 , so I'm guessing that the behind the buns movie book will also be delayed too . Still I'm sure we'll see a teaser trailer come autumn time .
The other panel I followed was Smallville's , I've been a fan of the show since the beginning and it was sweet to see Super Tom there . Even more super to see him in his brand new 'super suit' . The outfit looks very much like the version that Marlon Brando wore in 'Superman the Movie' All Black with what looks like a dark Silver S and a sort of dress coat .

Tom was at the Con !
The Producers also revealed that Green Arrow may gain a side kick , you know I never knew he even had one but he does , a dude called Speedy , aka Roy Harper . When Roy was growing up he idolised Green Arrow . As a teenager, Roy is given the opportunity to perform at an archery competition judged by Green Arrow . Green Arrow like Batman knows a good thing when he sees it . One solemn ceremony later , Roy takes the name of 'Speedy' and is adopted as a ward to multi millionaire Oliver Queen . Apparently there is also a teenage girl, Mia Dearden who is now Speedy in the current continuity . So who knows what gender Smallvilles Speedy will be . Of course if it is a dude Oliver could just call him 'Speedo' and save on the costume expenses , well these are hard times even for multi millionaires .

Speedy In Action
Austin 'My thoughts won't Leave me alone '

Yes sadly Austin - 'the body beautiful' was tossing and turning the other night , so much so he tweetered '' Can't sleep , my thoughts won't leave me alone '' . What demons of the night could be tormenting Austin and causing him such broken sleep ? .
Could it be Austin had seen those pictures of swimmer Ricky Berens stunning swim suit split and thought '' What If Carter and me were playing Swimmers in a movie and that happened on set ?'' or was Austin's mind racing about what to wear for the premiere of ''Aliens in the Attic '' Oh man I'd hate to clash outfits with Carter ,think bro think ! '' .
The Rock Cherub hits the Catwalk and keeps clothes on shock !

The Rock Cherub not a Porn Star
I've been following with interest District Attorneys Vera's prosecution for the case '' Models Are The New Porn Stars '' and yes the prosecution's case is compelling . So you would think if anybody was going to loose their clothes in a modeling shoot it would be the Rock Cherub , sadly for his millions and millions of fans the answer is no . Although George was snapped in a vest . As we all know as a Rock Cherub Renaissance man , George , sound check completed , the clothes come flying off . As a model though , for the Rock Cherub its like reverse engineering .
Cat walking Baby !

Sound check over for the Renaissance Rock Cherub and the tops already off !

''Mannish boy ''

Holy Reverse Engineering !
Crusin with Captain Cody !

Welcome Aboard !

Captain Cody and his first mate
Captain Cody is responsible for ships entertainment !

That's Jason Dolley in the Black , But check out White and Blue T Shirters !
Dreamboats Old Skool Retro Muse number 145 !

What a Hotty ! Its Scottie !
''Saturday ! what a Day ! Scottie I'll be grooving all night with you ! '' Yes those wonderful lyrics of course opened 'Happy Days' , as I let out a silent scream as Scott Baio popped up during the credits in his Black ' swoon ' capped T Shirt . How I longed to see that Black capped T shirt fly off . Had I brought the right magazines , I would have found out that Scott was regularly loosing his shirt in a fashion to rival Matt Dillon's photo shoots .
Of course Matt though never was photographed in a speedo , but for Scott it was obviously an everyday occurrence . Looking at just how often Scott and Dreamboats of that era posed shirtless or in a swimwear . I can only agree with a great picture site Lost In the Past (where all the Scottie pictures came from for this post ) that this period was indeed the ''Golden Age of Idols.''

Young Scott and that Black Capped T Shirt

The burning question all Teen Idols have had to answer since the beginning of time ..
'' Should I open just a few buttons or go all the way ?''

Like Matt Dillon before him Scott made the right choice ..

'Tennis anyone ?'

''Holy Purity Ring !''

Scott - Serious Pose and Shirt On - Scott's Album sales suffered

Scott - On Stage and going shirtless Album sales soared !

Well Hello

Sporty Scott took part in the 'All Idols Summer Games' from sprinting to swimming

Happy Days ! Scott - A Wow in White

A shock announcement '' Is this thing on ? Since my White speedo was stolen , I will now only wear an emerald Green speedo in honour of Robin Hood and his Merry Men ''

Green Speedo secured with a towel Scott leaves the meet

Another Meet and another shirtless sporty Scott

Lovely Swimmer Scottie fresh out the water
Oh Ruby Don't take Your Love to Town !

Austin - How long can those bulging biceps be contained ?
Yes out of fan loyalty , I watched 'Ruby and the Rockets' , which is an okay comedy to while away the time with and of course you can always wonder how long Austins plaid shirts selves will contain those developing 'bulging biceps' . I'm wondering if they will write Austin's amazing body into the script . You know Austins character thinks Ruby likes a man with muscles and hey presto the body beautiful is revealed , I'm sure this would secure the ratings if the show suffered a wobble .
I recall my heart rate quickening when I caught a rerun of 'Happy Days' or the 'Joanie Loves Chachi Show' when Chachi and Joanie were on the beach and Scott Baio wore these amazing Orange tight trunks . By the way on 'Happy Days' why did they all scream for the Fonz ? and just why was Fonzie always taking Ritchie into the toilets which the Fonzie ominously named as his 'Office'?. Anyways back to Austin and his Saturn Rocket ....
I did enjoy the flashback scenes to the eighties when David Cassidy and his brother performed in a power rock band , complete with high rise eighties hairdos and gear .But I have to say I was disturbed or maybe perturbed at the apparent shrinkage of David Cassidy . We all know Austins tall , but was it a cruel moment of refection on the casting couch when Davids real life brother Shaun Cassidy who is the executive producer , decided that the whole cast including Austins irritating wisecracking little bro in the show were as tall enough not taller than than his dear brother David ? .

David - The Incredible Shrinking man ?

David - Before shrinkage
X Appeal ! Its Xavier !

Bite Me !
One of the many delights in the Twilight Saga is its ongoing opportunity for casting eye candy and I was interested to see that the role of of Riley vamp will be played by Xavier Samuel. At first I was totally confused and thought was it Xavier from top Australian drama 'Home and Away' who got the part . Until I released that Xavier was the name of the character that actor David Jones Roberts plays on the show .Oh dear .

Xavier dances up a storm in Home and Away

'Hey your such a pretty boi '
Not to be put off I found out I'd seen the real Xavier in a really good drama about a group of surfers , their family and friends called 'Newcastle' . Xavier played Fergus the younger brother of Jeese played by the gorgeous Lachlan Buchanan .Fergus I guess you could call an 'emo surfer'and Xavier does play him very well . Fergus crushes on surfer Andy played by Kirk Jenkins. So If you enjoy seeing beautiful filmed tanned ripped and toned surfer's , loose their clothes , jerking off and enjoy a rather good drama to boot then do catch Newcastle .

The Boiz from Newcastle

Watch out for that Swell !

Then I realised Id caught Xavier also in 'September' a great short directed by Peter Carstairs . Xavair played Ed who loves to box , so he and fellow boxer Paddy played by Clarence John Ryan from Lockie Leonard , build a ring together . However their boxing slice of heaven doesn't last when Eds attention is captured by a new girl Amelia played by Mia Wasikowska and then the growing rise of the Aboriginal rights movement comes into play when Paddy father who works on Eds fathers farm asks for his wages to increased .What I enjoyed about the film that it doesn't knock you over the head with the issues that its addressing through the story . Rather it makes you aware of them by their impact on the characters .

Boxing Partners

If you build it , (s)he will come

And she did and ruined the boxing Boys time together
So I'm really looking forward to seeing Xavier in Eclipse as I always have a had a soft spot for vampires . I blame Bela Lugosi and Steven Kings 'Salem's Lot' .( that shot of Lance kerwins friend levitating and tapping on the window still spooks me even now) Poppy Z Brite , 'True Blood' and my favorite film of last year 'Let the Right One In '.
I couldn't help though notice that Xavier does a have a touch of the Mathew Werkmeisters about him , must be the hair !

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