Taylor- sending fanboys into a frenzy !
Yes as security is doubled for Taylor 'Tats' Lautner's appearance at Comic Con this weekend , a new New Moon image designed to whip up fan boys and girls into even more of a frenzy surfaced .Despite being unable to join our favorite canyon runners and power couple of the summer Austin and Cater , due to work commitments The idol of the imax took time to be interviewed by Instyle magazine where he revealed 6 amazing Facts about himself .
Fact One
He doesn't have a Facebook or Twitter account, though he says plenty of people pose as him online. ( the nerve of those fakers !)
Fact Two
He's a major Red Bull fan and drank it throughout our shoot, but thinks pink lemonade could make a comeback .
Fact Three
His favorite band, U2, is performing in Vancouver this summer, where he'll be shooting Eclipse! ( Well the drummer in U2 Larry was certainly quite the dreamboat in his day )
Fact Four
His own acting Idol really is legendary method actor Montgomery Clift , he thinks its ' awesome' when people compare him too Monty.
Fact Five
He did not challenge New Moon co - star Rupert Patterson to a pose down under a shower to prove that Rupert's Abs were painted on .
Fact Six