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Jake Gyllenhaal on David Letterman Late Show

Jake Gyllenhaal being interviewed by David Letterman Late Show on May 24, 2010

Jake Gyllenhaal on David Letterman (5.24.10) (Part 1)

Jake and Dave engaged in a euphemism-laced conversation about "underwater cement jobs." So while you wait for that to surpass the angry dragon in popularity, check out this endlessly endearing interview with Jake as he talks about Russian culture, budget Homer Simpson and how "Prince of Persia" is -- dream come true! -- actually real". Source:

Jake Gyllenhaal on David Letterman (5.24.10) (Part 2)

Jake talks with Mr. Letterman about his parents and about his stay in Russia during the promotion of Prince of Persia. Gyllenhaal shares some pictures of his visit to Russia, where he was instructed not to smile, or he would be perceived as crazy and stupid.