Jennifer Aniston and Jake Gyllenhaal (Justine sprays Holden with cologne) in THE GOOD GIRL (2002)
"Actress Jennifer Aniston explained why she changed the name of her fragrance, initially called Lolavie (after many other names had circulated on the internet) to her own name at the last minute, while hosting a press conference for the launch in London. Apparently, her marketing team grew aware of the fact that there was already a similarly-sounding product name on the market, namely Lola by Marc Jacobs.Asked by Reuters, she said: "It turned out as we were getting close to the launch, there was something out there that was very similar and it was just going to get very confusing in the marketplace. [...] And at such a late hour, I didn't want to postpone the launch so the only thing we could really clear (in terms of rights to perfume titles) was my name." (The Scented Salamander)" Source:
Other perfume campaigns by celebrities: Michelle Williams and Natalie Portman in "Greed" perfume faux campaign directed by Roman Polanski Paris Hilton The Scented SalamanderBritney Spears - Fantasy and Radiance perfumesJessica Simpson - Fancy perfumeCharlize Theron - J'Adore DiorMatthew McConaughey - Dolce & Gabanna for men