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Win a pair of tickets for "Inception" with Moviefone

"Oscar nominations in technical categories are a certainty, but Inception is also a strong contender for multiple nominations, including Best Picture. The movie keeps you on the edge of your seat, focused intently on what’s happening. Otherwise, it would be easy to get lost. Structured like an intricate maze, Inception takes the viewer through interlocking sets of dream realities. (Ellen Page’s character, The Architect, who designs mazes for dream worlds, is named after Greek mythology’s Ariadne.) Source:

"Moviefone is giving you a chance to catch a free -- yes, FREE -- screening of Director Christopher Nolan's latest, 'Inception' before it hits theaters on July 16. The film stars Leonardo DiCaprio and also boasts an impressive supporting cast with Ellen Page, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Marion Cotillard and Michael Caine.
If you've seen the trailer you've seen just enough to know you want to see the movie ... but too little to figure out what the heck it's actually about. Well, now's your chance to find out, on us! We're giving away 5 pairs of passes to early screenings in the cities listed below:

Los Angeles
New York City
San Francisco
Washington, DC
San Diego

To qualify to win a pair of tickets, leave a comment on this post, using a valid email address, specifying the city where you'd like to attend a screening. These screenings will be held Monday through Wednesday, July 12 to 14, so clear your schedule for those dates and hurry -- this contest will close at noon ET on Thursday, July 8.

'Inception' opens July 16 .