Pals Maggie Gyllenhaal and Emma Thompson compare notes on dirty dishes, hot husbands — and how they help each other.
Emma Thompson on The Martha Stewart Show 2010-05-25
Emma is a cook on tele!

"Lucia Leventis rented out her Squirrel Hill home of 30 years on Bartlett Street to the film crew for three days of production in late September. Her large house, built in 1875, plays the Chicago residence of Jamie's parents.

"I did meet Jake," Leventis said. "He's very sweet. I said, 'Jake, you sure are handsome'. Source: www.post-gazette.com
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"Needless to say, the film comes out strongly on the ‘pro’ side of immigration, be it legal or otherwise.

And the picture comes right and and speaks to the absurd double-standards at play, that the political forces that wish to blame illegal immigrants for society’s ills are the same ones that grant temporary work-visas (the most common cause of illegal immigration, as many just stay when the visas expire) and promote immigration in order to keep the cost of labor down".
Source: www.hollywoodnews.com
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