Rock'n' Roll
I'd forgotten that filming had started for 'Nowhere Boy' until Dee John over at West Asian mentioned had I seen a recent Adonis Aaron picture as John Lennon .The 'Dreamboat of the Year ' kept his clothes on ( an achievement in itself !)during filming last week in Liverpool and Blackpool on Nowhere Boy which is based on the childhood and teenage years of John Lennon . In an earlier interview Adonis Aaron said he was practising Lennon songs and was repeating the solo hit Beautiful Boy to himself while looking in the mirror . You can't say Adonis Aaron doesn't like a challenge from playing 'Kick Ass' whose comic book sakes are going through the roof to the early life of a Beatle and legend .
But more importantly for a hair hopper like me was that Aaron's lovely thick locks had been sculpted in to a lovely quiff , was this a challenge to Taylor 'Dirt Bike' Lautner's giant quiff which debuted in Tokyo, but since has suffered a number of setbacks, first being flattened by a motor bike helmet and then as filming began on 'New Moon' the quiff was gripped back into submission .Free of such styling constraints Aaron's quiff bounced along the streets of Liverpool and into the Press Conference too .

''Adonis Aarron are you engaged in a Battle for King of the Quiffs
with Taylor 'Dirt Bike' Lautner ? ''

In character Adonis Aaron skips down Penny Lane with his Aunty