A Towering Quiff of Emotions
Best Pop Quiff Ever ?
Nick Swooned his way through Pop Videos
Yes many I know consider Morrissey to be King of the pop quiffs but for me it was never so . No my King of The Quiffs was Nick Kamen who ruled the pop charts back in the day with his sexy pout and swagger . Styled by the way ahead of his time the late Ray Petri . Like now with Taylor 'dirtbike' Lautner stylists wonder what did keep Nicks quiff so erect and yet so supple ?. Assisted by Madonna who was in a lovely pop phase on backing vocals ''don't break my heart , break my heart '' she yodeled . Nick breathlessly cooed that ''No matter what you do you say , I'm going to love you anyway ''
Nick swooned his way through videos, his pompadour glistening , performing on stage in a deserted club full of Buffalo Boys including Buffalo Boy wonder Felix. On hearing Nicks dulcet tones , the Buffalo boys stir like angles awakening , Nick sings to sooth their souls ( well their collective hangovers ) and then just as the song ends Nick leaves to roam the streets of Soho ... sigh !