I've been meaning to post the cover of 'Absolute Brightness' for a while , I think along with the original Picador cover of 'A Boys Own Story ' its one of my favourite covers . Although somewhere in my imaginary favorite book covers list would also be the Arena version of one of my favourite books (, goodness knows how many times I re read it while I was growing up )John Fox's classic 'Boys On The Rock'.
Absolute Brightness by James Lecesne is a great read by the way , I was a bit reluctant to get it as I didn't really fancy reading about a 'gay' teenager being bullied , (but that cover kept pulling me in )there's a lot more to the story than that . It would actually make a pretty good movie especially now as we have younger television characters as Justin from Ugly Betty and Marshall from the United Sates of Tara . The character of Leonard is very intriguing , you never know what to make of him as he dispenses style advice around the town and in turn makes the townsfolk feel better about themselves which is of course, quite a gift in itself .