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Idol Twitterings

Matty P likes to Twitter

So many idols , so many twitterings . Like Myspace ,Twitter  is radically changing the way fans can stalk , I mean talk to thier idols . I mean if it wasn't for Twitter how would we know of the devious and yet creative minds of Disney producers, when work out fan David Henrie posted a picture of some speedos ( sadly without him in them ) with the Twitter '' They( The Producers ) tried to get me to wear these. Tried...'' The Speedos are now up for auction on EBay.

The Speedo in Question

David Hits The Beach in Boardies

The Tadzio of the teen scene Austin Bulter often Twitters about his 'work outs' with fellow star Carter Jenkings ''I just finished the most intense workout of my life! Beach body here I come!! ''

Austin and Matt- Intense workout sessions

Dedicated - Austin plays the Adagietto from Mahler's Fifth Symphony on Acoustic Guitar