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Adieu Lloyd

Lloyd smiles a fond farewell to his Fans

As blond Lloyd sang his heart out , crooning his goodbye's to his millions of fans on the X factor last weekend , I couldn't help but wonder what if the angel of the north and Lloyd's mentor Cheryl , had chosen Adam Rickitt's twinktastic pop classic 'I Breath Again' .Would this song have kept Lloyd in the competition ? . Well one never knows , but if they had recreated the video as a live performance on stage ,Lloyd may have stood a fighting chance .

So when Lloyd launches his pop career , what if perchance he takes a few pages out of Adam Rickitt's book , hit the gym , do as many shirtless shoots as possible , target your demographic audience (at a guess I would say tweens , teens, and confused straight men .) avoid singing live , anyway we all know that miming is the new de rigueur on UK entertainment shows . If its okay for Britney , then its okay for Lloyd .

Wishful Thinking - Could Adam be a Role Model to Lloyd ?

''Oops I've lost my shirt again ''

Beauty and the Bangs