Wall to Wall carpeting courtesy of Macy's
His hair has been straighted , he's got his rock gear on and now Logan Miller is ready to roll in what undoubtedly will be one of the surprise hits of next year , its already being compared to Glee , gasp as Logan Miller is 'In the Band !'. As know Ruby and the Rockits early this year had to return back to mission control and was sadly consigned to one season TV Heaven . Silly ABC family didn't they see the real asset they had in front of them ? No not David Cassidy , I talk of course of Austin 'The Body' Bulter . All the writers would have to do is this make Austins character whose name escapes me now a Triathlete ,devote at least 15 minutes of screen time showing Austin working out , maybe a bit of slow motion , slap over a song . Then in the 2ND half have the whole family come along watch Austin race and celebrate another win . Simple.
really , but back to 'In The Band'.
'In The Band ' - Synopsis
A talented middle-school guitarist ( played up and coming heart throb Logan Miller ) lands a dream gig - singing lead for his favorite has-been '80s rock band. He gets more than he bargained for, though, when he invites the aging rockers to move in with him.
Just from reading the synopsis you know this show has 'Hit' written all over it .Anyways here's another picture of Logan with his axe out .

Logan is the new Nick Sterling !
Also on red carpet last week was the teen idols actors , actor Logan ' Isn't he lovely' Lerman unlike Nicole kidman ,Logan's stylists clearly know how to make sure their client is cleared for the catwalk. Still I do miss those days when Logan would turn up with close friend Dean to premieres, with Cody popping up every now and again .

Logan good to Go !

Isn't he lovely .