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' Probe Me ! ' Its Logan H !

Logan Loves UFO's

Gathered from around the Universe 5 fascinating Facts about the break out star of V Logan Huffman !

Fact 1

Logan can can learn and remember a script after reading it about three times

Fact 2

Logan is a fan of science fiction, loves the movie, “Them” from the 1950's, believes in UFOs and considers himself a UFOlogist.

Fact 3

Logan ran two hours a day, every day, and did weight training every day in preparation for going shirtless in Episode 3

Fact 4

Logan's a big Rufus Wainwright fan and totally adores Rufus's version of 'Bewitched ,Bothered and Bewildered' .

Fact 5

Logan will turn 20 on the 22nd of December .