A Dreamboat of a Spidey
I do despair of Sony sometimes , maybe they should hire the Twilight Saga's casting director ?In Twilight land you have the Montgomery Clift of his generation Taylor , Jamie Campbell Campbell, The Boo , The Cameron and Special X himself Xavier .
Now Sony according To LA Times are looking at Adonis Aaron for the role of Sony Spider - man , which of course would be fab for many reasons , except of course he's pretty much played a version of Peter Parker in Kick - Buns ! . Also newly added to the casting couch is Anton Yelchin who I guess I'd rather see in the role than perhaps Josh Hutchinson . How they let La Logan slip through their casting web , I'll never know .
Looking at Carter above though wouldn't he just make the most banging Spidey yet ? , with the God of Beauty , Austin as Flash Gordon .