Jake Gyllenhaal playing softball in Hollywood on 6th August 2005
Jake Gyllenhaal Standing Up To Cancer with
Baseball Major League
"Charlie Sheen has released the ad promoting his upcoming "My Violent Torpedo of Truth - Defeat Is Not An Option" Tour ... and the after party.

The embattled actor, seen holding a baseball, looks like he's ready to get to business ... and possible trash all those standing in his way.

The NJ police are reportedly on standby for the event".
Source: x17online.com
"Most actors need all the technical help they can get to look like the real deal on the diamond. But Sheen was good enough to convince without any funky angles, soft-focus lenses, jump cuts, or pitching doubles. He could throw 83 or 84 mph and get the ball near the plate. Which might be why he's been somewhat modest about his accomplishments. "I could compete", he told Time magazine in 1987:
"I had a decent arm".

"Charlie was the first kid I went to as a reliever", said his SaMoHi coach, Jose Lopez, in an A&E "Biography" profile. "He was a tough kid, a focused kid, and a team player." Sheen did dream of playing pro ball. He told the L.A. Times in 1989 that the University of Kansas had offered him a scholarship. "I don't regret not continuing with baseball," he said, "but I'll always wonder."

Charlie Sheen as Oscar 'Hap' Felsch in "Eight men out" (1988)
Ken Rizzo of the reknowned Mickey Owen Baseball School recalls Sheen's four summers at the rural camp. "He did have post-high school abilities, There's no doubt he could have played in college. Maybe even at a lower level Division 1 school. He had baseball skills. But he wasn't going to be playing at Arizona State, or Stanford, or UCLA."
Source: sports.espon.go.com
"That's baseball, and it's my game. Y' know, you take your worries to the game, and you leave 'em there. You yell like crazy for your guys. It's good for your lungs, gives you a lift, and nobody calls the cops." - Humphrey Bogart on baseball
Enjoy Opening Weekend, baseball fans!