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Jake Gyllenhaal & Michelle Monaghan in US Weekly, Duncan Jones interview

Scans of Jake Gyllenhaal and Michelle Monaghan in US Weekly magazine, April 2011

"Duncan Jones says, he would like to direct his father in a movie, "and I'll know the moment is right when everyone stops asking about David Bowie being my father".

Was his dad as outrageous at home as he could be on stage?
"Of course not. He was a lovely guy and voracious reader. Part of what got me into science fiction was the literature Dad introduced me to. He insisted on discipline and wanted me to read an hour or two every night. I remember at nine or 10 reading Animal Farm and The Day of the Triffids and later on Philip K. Dick." As a boy, Jones made 8mm stop-motion films using his Smurfs and Star Wars figures. Growing up, his interests changed to "football and girls, but I wasn't a wild child like the other children of that generation of wild parents. I was the quiet one." So0urce:

Jon Lyus interviews Duncan Jones for his new movie, Source Code. Jon also touches on Mute and ends with finding out where we are with Wolverine!

Source Code - Jake Gyllenhaal Interview

Source Code - Vera Farmiga on Duncan Jones