Here comes a new film from Pictures This '' Teenage Angst ,'' the torrid tale of a Teen Idol full of angst on the wrong side of the tracks '' Surprisingly its really about '' Four bored teenage boys who attend a boarding school , create a clique, replete with sexually charged rites and rituals(golly!). Desiring to break free from the gilded cage in which their parents have deposited them, they sneak off campus at night to party, skinny dip and play increasingly dangerous games. The stronger-willed boys queen it over the weaker ones, until inevitably, bad things start to happen ( bad hair ?)
'Is this legendary Dream boats blog casting couch ?'

'Drink this my lovely and your hair will be as luscious as Matt Prokop's

'The potion worked my hair smells as fragrant as this flower , I'm truly a rose amongst thorns ''

'come back to bed babe '

'I cant, I have to do a skinny dipping scene , I cant figure out why we are always re shooting that scene '

'Dude whys your nipples so hard?' ' Its called method acting man '

'This so sucks ! all those skinny dipping re shoots have ruined my fragrant locks , revenge will be mine and mine alone '

Teenage Angst is yours to own on DVD from December 2nd .