Home shoppers gasped and grabbed their phones and rang in to buy the first Item a 'Skull T shirt' designed by Taylor himself . Superstar designer karl lagerfeld described the T shirt as a testament to his talent as a budding fashion designer . ''That gifted young man looked into the mirror ,he faced his demons and came out the other side .''
Taylor - faced Demons
Taylor -Back to the Eighties Taylor -Twin Peaks
For his final product developed by Taylor and conjunction with Apple is a truly amazing device '' A Teen Idol Recasting Alarm Alert '' This light easy to use device with GPS tracking and face recognition software , emits a sonic alarm when your part is up for recasting . This could be for a number of reasons ; you want a salary increase but the studio cant afford to give you one ,your in danger of being replaced by a younger or in extreme cases an older model . Your no longer on the cover of Tiger beat for at least 5 consecutive issues . As teen titan Taylor said '' No teen idol should leave home with out it ''
'Don't leave home with it out it'