You know people talk a lot about the rebirth of Disney's animation department , equally phenomenal is the continuing rise of Disney's hearthrob production department , yes its a neverending and seemingly interchangeable roster of teen idols who continue to make programming , music and tours to last well forever . Flying out next of the hearthrob studio is Tony Oller , star of 'As the Bell Rings' a reimagining of the classic Saved By The Bell , this time focusing on Zac and Slaters relationship with Screech, now Screech has come out . Tony's a singer too , musically theres a bit of Jesse Mcartney , a bit of Jonas and maybe a bit of Will Young in Tonys voice . If I was Tony and wanted a perfect pop album , I'd hire David Archulletas writing and production team or maybe Xenomania who worked on the new Pet Shop Boys Album . Anyways lets now pause for a moment and sit back and wonder at the sheer swishyness of Tony luscious locks and hope that our favourite photographer Kieth Munyan books Tony in for a shoot soon .

Tony tried out for High school Musical 3

Total Swishyiness

He's on the beach in Norway