Love and other drugs - "This is nice" videoclip with Jake Gyllenhaal and Anne Hathaway
Love and other drugs - "This is nice" videoclip with Jake Gyllenhaal and Anne Hathaway Watch "This is nice" videoclip also in
Anne Hathaway and Jake Gyllenhaal on Today show on November 18, 2010, New York
"[She's] annoying", Gyllenhaal joked about having to sit side-by-side for interviews all day. Then, turning serious, he added, "She's so dope at press. Can we talk about this for a second? She's got a rare talent at 'pressing' it."
"How dare you set me up at the beginning of an interview like that?" Hathaway interjected in mock protest. "How dare you!" "Your mind is going to be blown by this chick," Gyllenhaal continued.
"Wait, he's about to say the smartest thing you've ever heard!" Hathaway countered.
"No, just wait, she's going to say something amazing and you're going to be moved, you're going to cry," Gyllenhaal enthused. "There's going to be something you've never felt before."